About Dvandva
Dvandva Designs was created in late 2019 with the hopes of bringing a new style to the world of jewelry, fashion, and fine art.
A ‘dvandva’ is a term used to describe a compound word that connects two adjectives, where neither half of the word is insubordinate to the other. Oftentimes this conjunction can create something- in this case an idea- that adds up to more than a whole. “Bittersweet” is an example of a dvandva.
However, once you understand the essence of a ‘dvandva’, you see them everywhere. It happens when you mix metals. It happens when you combine peanut butter and jelly. It happens when you’re holding a conversation with a dissimilar-minded person who opens your eyes to new ways of thinking.
A dvandva is the magic in the middle…that extra little bit that makes 1+1=3. It’s the conversations we hold, the moments we dance in the rain, the conjunction of different toned metals. It’s all of the inexplicable, incalculable pieces that create something greater than the sum of their parts.